Metabolic Psychiatry is concerned with identifying and addressing underlying dysfunctions in metabolism that contribute to inflammation and energy deficits in the body. It specifically concerns how well the body is producing and utilising energy. Energy shortages in the brain lead to symptoms of mental disorder. Inflammation in the brain does the same thing. Unfortunately medications do little to address these issues and in some cases can make the energy deficits worse. This is where metabolic strategies can make all the difference. For good health we need to have good mitochondrial health and this means paying attention to what we put in to our body, our light environment and our toxic burdens.
Most mental health disorders are not caused due to mutations in a single gene.
They usually involve multiple genes and also the signals in the body that control gene expression.
Our lifestyle choices have the ability to influence our gene expression – also known as epigenetics.
This means that we have choice and control over what turns particular genes on and off, including genes that increase the risk of experiencing mental health symptoms.
Meaning, lifestyle measures can and do influence the risk of being diagnosed with a mental health condition.
For example, you don’t need to look far to find that circadian rhythm disruption is an underlying factor across the board when it comes to mental health disorders. Study here.
Oxidative stress is another underlying factor in psychiatric disorders. Study here. Depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, ADHD, autism, dementia and personality disorder!
Oxidative stress causes damage to DNA and RNA and influences mortality risk in psychiatric disorders. Study here.
Which brings everything back to mitochondrial function. Study here.
Our nutrition, light environments, toxin exposures and activity levels therefore all influence our risk of experiencing mental health symptoms.
Definitely worth thinking about if your approach to treatment to date has only been about medication and you have seen limited success with that approach, or have run into difficulties with adverse effects.