Mainstream psychiatry seeks to make diagnoses, which simply involves grouping different sets of symptoms together, often in order to be able to prescribe a pharmaceutical medication. But medications come at a cost. For example, obesity, sedation, type 2 diabetes, emotional numbing, neurological impairment, reduced libido and impaired sexual function, to name just a few.
If we take a deeper look we discover that there can be many underlying causes of mental disorder, including, but not limited to: traumatic life experiences with resultant altered stress response, hormonal dysregulation, toxic burden in the body, underlying nutritional deficiencies, metabolic dysfunction, underlying infections, circadian disruption and environmental stressors and toxins.
Many mental disorders have overlapping symptoms and for good reason, as they share common underling mechanisms when you get down to the cellular level - such as epigenetic changes, mitochondrial dysfunction & disrupted microbiome / gut-brain-axis.
In fact most chronic health conditions have the same underlying causes. That is the beauty of taking a holistic approach to treatment - it multi-tasks and often many symptoms can improve with some simple lifestyle interventions and supportive naturopathic treatment when necessary.
Holistic Psychiatry and Functional Medicine seek to address underlying causes directly, to restore health to allow you to lead a fulfilling life and function well.
There is no need for a referral from your GP. You can book in directly via the Telehealth appointments button on the home page.